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Saturday, April 23, 2016

The Coin Games

On the way to the Beyt Dwarka temple, Gujarat we came across these young lads whom we initially thought were swimming in the cold waters of the Gulf of Kutch to beat the summer heat.

But on observing closely and speaking to a few of them, we came to know that swimming in the dirty waters helped them earn their livelihood !

The kids asked the passing tourists to throw coins in this dingy canal and would then jump in the water to take them out from the bed. Given that the kids didn't want to collect the coins at a place while swimming to fetch more, for the fear of being stolen by others, they stuffed the coins in their mouths to the extend of almost choking themselves.

The passerby were amused by this activity and would keep shelling coins and betting on which lad would take out the coins next. While tourists enjoyed betting, these young lads shivered in the cold waters and  often fought and argued over a dime. I felt really sad for these kids !

Wish these street urchins can be educated and taught another way to earn their livelihood!

One of the kid showed us that he could climb down the pillar while the other could dive from the height. 
There is a prevalent fishing community near this site. Hope this kids pick up fishing soon !  
The boy in the center was initially unhappy as I didn't throw coins for him to fetch. But later he posed for me to click! 

Why am I cornered?

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