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Friday, September 5, 2014

The Ultimate Day

The Ultimate Day 
The setting sun, the returning birds,
The Muezzins calling from hundreds of minarets for its time to pray,
The cool breeze, the calm waves,
The silence that followed
After the streamer sailing on the Bhosphorus brayed.

My perturbed mind, continued to ride the tide
With unanswered questions from different parts of life.
One asked me of, “What I will be?”
A traveler, a writer, a poet, a banker or trader
Successful or failure in the time to be.
Another asked “Where I’ll stay, in my graying days?”
Will it be Ephesus or on the shores of the beautiful Paradise bay?
Then came the third, reminding me of friends
With whom I don’t know why relations have end.

Before I could delve into them more
A fourth thought came in, compelling me to think
Which I have tried writing in ink.
Despite of -  Whoever I be
Wherever I stay,
“What is that I would want to do on my ultimate day”?

Beautiful memories of friends and family flashed in my mind
All of whom, I wanted by my side
I guess that’s all that I need
And would want on The Day
No awards, no medals
Just some more time with them and the setting sun at bay.

Finally, I look at You (setting Sun),
You look at me
There I see you winking at me (becoz that’s what I’m currently doing, standing at the bay).

I smirk at myself,
And that perturbed mind, which rode the tide
Left all unanswered questions aside.
In the silence on this beautiful shore
Standing among Your creations galore
Never thought, the peace that I had been searching for all these days
Will in a moment come to me.

All pictures and writing (c) Pooja Kumar, 2014


  1. One of the best things that can happen with a writer is that when he/she scribble down the words on the paper, the exact emotions that he wants to convey are felt by the readers. Man O Man! I got hooked up with the very first lines: 'the muezzins calling from hundreds of minarets' and I swept along with each word that came next.
    Having read stuffs on existentialism and mortality, this piece appealed to me because the writer escaped the over ambiguity that many find themselves trapped into when attempt such arduous task of writing.
    You are made for this Pooja...keep on writing. I want to read more of yours. Keep up the good work.

  2. beautifully expressed and shaped in words. A lot can be seen in between the words. Looks like there is a lot that you want to share with the world..Go ahead..Good Luck!!
