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Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Untold Story: Coming together & then parting !

 The Story of My Life !

The more I want to hold on to you, the quicker you are pulled out of my life.
While the sooner I want to run away, the tighter you cling and more time you take to bid me good-bye. 
Sometimes, I feel someone somewhere is plotting against me and challenging my every move,
But as this evening comes to a close; my fondness for you only grows.

Life is so beautiful; I realized it only now. Having spent so many years, in search of why and how?
In life I met so many people, some happy and gay,
With some I liked spending time together while others would invariably nay.
Some became close friends, who’d always remain in my heart,
But slowly and gradually everyone rose, brushed their clothes and left in their predestined paths.

I felt sad as we parted, but that’s the way of life;
The more you love someone, the more difficult it is to bid him good-bye.
Today’s evening setting sun, did slightly dampen my soul,
But it did bring along with it a promise for tomorrow’s hopes.

I stood up, brushed my clothes, but didn’t know which way to go
Half my friends had turned right and followed the camel-cart,
But following in footsteps of others, is surely not my part
So instead, I turned the opposite side and just followed my heart.

The more I did things my way, the more you turned me down,
Each time I put in my best, you made sure there was some reason to frown.
Disgusted of being rejected, I promised myself that I was not here to please the clan
And therefore, half-hearted I continued pursuing my plans.
With every failure, you gave me strength and made me the person you wanted me to be
Being human, I always doubted your intentions which I could hardly see.

With my heart still crying in pain, and searching for the truth
I saw a little boy who parted with his friends, but was still playing with his tube.
Slowly and gradually realization dawned on me, that we aren’t here to stay
He taught me to be happy every moment because you never know when it’s your last day to play.

The moment I acknowledged this truth,
I fell in love with life and also with 'that someone' who was plotting against my moves.
And thanked Him whole-heartedly for at least making me experience the other side.  
Now everything seemed more beautiful and more meaningful, even the musicians deeper parting tunes.  

With every passerby, I realized, that best things in life are free and I can’t control their move,
So with this evening coming to a close; my fondness for you only grows.
Before, the fast pace of life swallows your passion for living and drains away your soul
Just close your eyes and think, and may be your fondness for it will also grow. 


 All images and writing in this document © Pooja Kumar, 2013.


  1. Hey beautiful pics Pooja.. and great post. Loved reading it.

  2. I had always been an ardent fan of your photography n now I'm a fan of your writing too...My best wish are always with you...

  3. very touchy and full of feelings....looks like you have just wrote what your heart said

  4. Beautiful and souful....Keep the spirit alive....Hope you write more often.

  5. Pooja, you are so expressive. I am proud I met you and am impressed by your achievements. Do write often. Your blog is wonderful !
